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Yoga therapy for Diabetes

Diabetes is known as a sweet disease, in fact it is a “bitter” disease, as far as the problems are concerned. The medical definition is- “It is a disturbance of intermediary metabolism manifested as chronic sustained hyper glycaemia (sustained raised levels of sugar in blood) primarily due to absolute or relative lack of insulin”.

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic imbalance in the mechanism regulating blood sugar level. When it occurs, the glucose absorbed into the blood from the digestive system is prevented from being effectively used in the muscles and tissues, or from being stored in the liver in the form of glycogen or as a fat. It is caused for either deficient secretion of insulin or diminished response of body to insulin. The hormone insulin helps to reduce blood glucose level. Insulin is secreted by a group of endocrine gland cells in the pancreas called the Islets of Langeerhans.

There are two types of diabetes Mellitus:

Diabetes Type I, also called as juvenile Diabetes or Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). Less common but more critical and usually occurs in young people. This is when the pancreas produces insufficient quantities of insulin or even stops producing it. This may be due to a genetic defect, or may follow a viral infection or a severe psychological trauma. This form of diabetes is rarely cured, even with the use of Yoga.

Diabetes Type II, also called as adult-onset diabetes, Non-Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). Mostly occurs in people who are over 40 due to being overweight, lack of exercise, dietary abuse of sugars and fats, and stress. In this type of diabetes, insulin is produced in the body but its quantum is lower than required. This type of diabetes is reversible and can be controlled by proper diet, exercises and performance of Yogic exercises.

Sometimes people don’t even know that they suffer from diabetes until they suffer from another illness such as a heart attack, eye damage, kidney problems, etc.

Diabetes is a very common disease today, it s considered to be a side effect of the twentieth century technological age.

The connection between stress and blood sugar.

When you're stressed, your blood sugar levels rise. Stress hormones like epinephrine and adrenaline kick in since one of their major functions is to raise blood sugar to help boost energy when it's needed most. But, in addition to the hormones, your body also releases glucose (sugar) from your liver, muscles and stored fat reserves. This bodily response to stress is called the “fight or flight” response. For example, if you needed to fight off or run away from a snarling dog, these hormones and extra glucose would give you an enhanced ability to do so. You can't fight danger when your blood sugar is low, so it rises to help meet the challenge. Both physical and emotional stress can prompt an increase in these hormones, resulting in an increase in blood sugars.

Effects of uncontrolled diabetes.

Diabetes may affect all parts of the body causing serious complications like atherosclerosis, eye problems and blindness, skin infections, damage of the kidneys, neurological problems, gangrene that can result in amputation, and impotency. In comparison to the healthy man, the possibility of having high blood pressure and ailment of heart is 2 to 3 times more for a diabetic patient.

At the present time modern medical science holds that there is no cure for diabetes. The most it can offer is control of the symptoms through dietary controls and daily use of insulin and other drugs. The disease itself, however, is commonly not affected by this, and may even increase in severity.

How yoga helps diabetics.

The yogic treatment of diabetes is directed to the underlying causes of the disease as well as to its symptoms. It is based on the internal readjustment of the whole organism through stimulation of the body’s own regenerative processes.

Yoga practices provides an alternative source of healing for diabetics helping to strengthen the immune system, improving the blood circulation and the flow of vital energy or prana to the internal organs of the body.

Yogic treatment for Diabetes:

Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)

It’s a series of exercises extremely good to mobilize and stretch different parts of the body. It s also a powerful pranic generator which helps to restore a balanced metabolism, increasing the blood supply and improving insulin administration in the body.


The practice of asanas have great effect on the pancreas and other glands, such as adrenal, thyroid and sex glands. Performance of certain asanas helps the muscles and organs of the abdominal area to be fully activated. Because of this activation the condition and functioning of the pancreas is energized and strengthened. It increases the blood supply to various parts of body, improving insulin administration in the body.

The most important asanas to be practiced for a diabetic:

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Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)- This asana is very powerful because it improves the function of the thyroid & parathyroid glands that are located in the neck region. Due to the firm chin-lock there is an increased fresh blood supply to these glands. This ample supply of blood increases their working efficiency. These glands regulate protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, affecting how human cells use energetic compounds. They also stimulate vitamin metabolism. The thyroid regulates additional hormones produced by other glands.

Halasana (Plough pose)- While in this posture there s a pressure on the abdomen that massages all the internal organs, activating the digestive system, revitalizing spleen and pancreas (which will produce more insulin) and improving the function of the liver and kidneys. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and also regulates the thyroid and thymus gland. Also rejuvenates the mind.

Paschimotasana (Forward seated bend)- It is known to stimulate the functioning of the internal organs like the liver, pancreas and kidneys.

Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)- This pose can cleanse and rejuvenate the body. The abdomen and internal organs receive a deep internal message, helping to squeeze out toxins, stimulate digestion and supply organs with fresh circulation upon release. This asana can regulate the secretion of adrenaline and bile and is highly recommended in the yogic management of diabetes. Ardha Matsyendrasana massages the pancreas, kidneys, stomach, small intestines, liver and gall bladder. This region also corresponds to Manipura chakra, a major plexus of nadis- therefore stimulating and unblocking this region enhances the vitality and health of the whole body.


This process is concerned with the control of the breath. With this practice one can control the body’s energy, allowing vital forces to flow to those areas that require extra energy. The brain, pancreas and other organs can then be revitalized consciously and systematically.

Nadi Shodhan or alternate nostril breathing is useful as a calming effect on the nervous system, which reduces stress levels, helping in diabetes treatment.


The science of yoga holds that the nervous system (and the body that it rules) can be brought under a high degree of control and can be made to operate with the greatest possible degree of efficiency through the practice of meditation. Creative visualization of the proper functioning of pancreas and concentration on pancreas during the meditation practice has shown positive effects on sugar levels.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a very important process of deep relaxation. It helps alleviate stress and has very good positive effects on the entire body – mind complex.

Cleansing Processes

Shankhaprakshalana (Master cleansing) is the systematic cleansing of the alimentary tract, which runs from the mouth to the anus. This process is done by drinking two glasses, at a time, of warm, salty water (lemon juice is added to it) alternated with the performence of five special asanas, helping to speed up the peristaltic movements one needs to evacuate the bowels. The process continues until one sees the clear water coming out of the colon. By the end of the practice the whole digestive system has been flushed out and this allows the system to start up again in a most balanced way.

This treatment should be followed by a diet low in carbohydrate, sugar free and if possible a natural vegetarian diet should be adopted. Avoid rice, potatoes and all sugar products. Minimal spices, oils and dairy products. Eat watery vegetables, lightly boiled or steamed, salads and fruit. Daily exercise is also recommended.

Remember: These treatments address those people who have uncomplicated diabetes, that is without associated disorders, such as high blood pressure or heart disease. The therapy of diabetes through yoga is an involved, technical process and a program should be individually prescribed for each person and supervised by a qualified yoga teacher.

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